How will humans remain relevant in the age of AI and Dall-E 2?

Pinar Seyhan Demirdag
8 min readApr 10, 2022


A few days ago Open AI released their latest invention Dall E 2. The AI model allows the creation of accurate pictures and illustrations by guiding the machine with text prompts. The difference between all other AI models released by them, and others, is that this one is “too” accurate. So much so that one is no longer capable of making a distinction between a human illustration and a machine illustration. Below you’ll see a generated image created by Prafulla Dhariwal (who is one of the co-creators of Dall E) with the text prompt “A robot painting on a canvas while playing the piano”.

Credit: Prafulla Dhariwal

Right after the release of the Dall-E 2 model last week, the AI art community on Twitter entered into a full existential crisis. Questioning the utility of humans, the future of jobs, and all types of small, medium, and large fears associated with AI and the future.

Dear human, I wish to ask you, being afraid of something/someone doing something to you, isn't that your default existential software? Women are afraid of younger and more beautiful women stealing their husbands, employees are afraid of no longer being relevant and losing their job. Kids are afraid their parents will judge them and parents are afraid their children will grow up to be different than them. Being afraid of not accomplishing your duty, afraid of being mocked, judged, guilty, expelled, not loved, being alone…. So when it comes to being afraid AI will steal your job, isn't it just another day in the office for humans? We are used to living our lives like a car wreck. The brutal boss is a sucker punch, the political party we hate winning the election is an uppercut, the war and illnesses is a kidney punch, running out of money is a head-butt and the constant feeling of not being able to control our destiny is the knockout.

Credit: Andrew Mayne. Made with Open AI’s Dall-E 2. Textual prompt “a raccoon astronaut with the cosmos reflecting on the glass of his helmet dreaming of the stars”

Understanding the law of attraction is the salvation of humanity.

In 2016, I went through a real existential crisis. Losing all the money in my bank account, my work partner, my boyfriend, my health, and I was forced to leave Paris where I used to live, and moved into my mother’s house in Istanbul. After a full year of a downward spiral, my life changed when I met my spiritual teacher Derya in 2018. She taught me the power of the spirit, the inner mechanics of my subconscious, and how to live my life by way of the power of attraction to get back the power of my life into my hands. I used to envy others and constantly felt anxious that I was not loved, wanted, welcomed, accepted, or compensated correctly; only to realize that the only person who did not love me was myself, and the rest of the world was only the mirror of my own belief system.

Our subconscious is an information folder, attached to a hamster wheel, functioning 24/7, dictating our mind to manipulate our perception of the world. Like Carl Yung said, “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate”. We attract what we believe. If we believe we are successful in what we do, we will attract many professional blessings. If we believe all men are pigs and mistreat women, we will manifest a man that will abuse us. Thus, understanding the law of attraction is the key to understanding who we are.

Unless you had a spiritual awakening or a long hauled subconscious cleanse, I can tell you my friend that you are living a life of a prisoner, with your subconscious being your guard. Our perception of reality is our compass in the journey of life. Even something as simple and wonderful as surprising a friend with a birthday party can be perceived as torment by someone whose perception of reality is all about control. For someone who is constantly living in anxiety, an Atlantic flight to see his family may be the ultimate angst. And someone who is afraid of disappointing others perceives an assignment as a burden while others would flourish with the opportunity they are given.

The problem is never about the situation, but always about your perception. The law of attraction works ceaselessly. Whatever you believe in is what you vibrate and becomes what you create. In other words “there is no misery, but only miserable men” as Ataturk, the founding leader of the Turkish Republic said. If you are afraid AI will steal your job and you will remain irrelevant, yes, you are going to manifest a future for yourself where you will experience this belief system.

With my subconscious cleaning work with my teacher, between 2018 and 2022 (still ongoing), I studied each and every belief system I had inside my mind and subconscious that is programmed by my parents and society in general. My father told me that only size 0 women were beautiful which meant I was fat and ugly, so I believed him since I was not size 0. Until a few years ago, I thought I was an ugly woman. My mother told me artists were poor, so I became a broke artist. My dad told me my brother was smart and I was not but if I were to work until I drop, maybe, I would be successful one day. I believed him and became a workaholic. My mother told me men were superior to women, so I let myself be humiliated and crushed by every boyfriend I welcomed into my life. Until 2018 when I understood the working of my subconscious and the law of attraction. When I changed my subconscious, I made a quantum jump in 2019 and attracted a prince who treats me like a crown jewel. In 2020, with him, I co-founded Seyhan Lee, a successful company with a constantly growing team, and we live in a very beautiful house in the countryside of Boston where we regularly entertain our friends and live in harmony with nature and everyone around us.

Subconscious?! What? How does that work?

The Pixar animation Inside Out portrays the workings of the subconscious and its effect on our lives in the most simple and easy-to-understand manner. Riley, the main character, has a bunch of people living inside her head. These characters symbolize the different tones of the mind chatter we constantly hear inside our heads. “You are not enough”, “This is gonna be amazing”, “I am so gonna fail” and “I am so lucky” are just a few. One of these characters is Joy, who is responsible for keeping it together inside Riley's mind's headquarters, symbolizing that joy and love is the force that holds us together, and not anger, anxiety, or disgust. Each time Riley has an experience, like moving into a new city, it gets to be created as a memory, visualized in the form of crystal balls, restored inside large cities made of buildings full of crystal balls. This is our subconscious. Especially between the ages of 0–16 the words we hear from our parents, the experiences we live, and our observation of society become a crystal ball inside the subconscious megacomplex inside our mind.

Credit: Inside Out — Disney/Pixar

I have learned from my teacher that the subconscious and mind work hand in hand. Our subconscious informs our mind about our belief system and the mind repeats it back to us in the form of silent monkey mind chatter, which turns into our perception and our perception creates our reality. In other words, the only way to change your reality is to change your subconscious, and that my friends is the door to spirituality. Spirituality is to understand the power of our spirit and infuse it into our lives. Our spirit is our connection to the source, the “force” that Star Wars is talking about. The infinite light and power we carry inside ourselves. We all have the potential to be the sovereign of our lives, yes, even including yourself. However, our subconscious and our minds are the obstacles that hold us back.

For those that have the eyes to see, the Age of AI is maybe the biggest blessing that is given to humanity. Pre-AI, we had the luxury (!) to live our lives on auto-pilot, go to a job we hate where we do repetitive and dull tasks, not question a thing, criticize everyone that has an opinion of life outside of the status quo, live lonely and miserable lives. But right now, we live in an age where AI makes headlines by wiping out professions, just like Open AI’s Dall-E has proven to us that a computer engineer can generate a mind-blowingly beautiful illustration only by typing words on their screen.

Credit: Wojciech Zaremba. Made with Open AI’s Dall-E. Textual prompt: “A bowl of soup that is a portal to another dimension as digital art

Instead of worrying will AI steal my job, “How will I remain relevant in the Age of AI” is the question we shall ask ourselves

World Economic Forum published the top 10 skills of 2025 in the job market. It includes analytical thinking, innovation, active learning, complex problem solving, creativity, originality, leadership, flexibility, and problem-solving. In other words, if your job can be replaced by a dataset that can come up with productions, answers, and solutions, it is time to re-evaluate your professional life. I know how hard it can be to internalize this. After all, being prisoners of our routine is our default software. Blaming others, including AI, for our miseries has been too comfortable. For a judgemental mind, there is nothing more agonizing than being forced to open itself up to new perspectives.

I know what I am talking about as I walked that path. The path that goes from the poor city of “they do not give me, award me, pay me, love me”, to the kingdom of “I go and take my worth”. We all have been mastering playing the role of poor victim, objectified, judged, oppressed, and offended. An actress can never win an Oscar if she keeps on playing the same role. It is time to change the roles we have been playing all along. The original human is blessed with the vision and authentically unique talents of the creator. The only way to remain relevant in the Age of AI is to live a life guided by our vision, where we infuse in life our unique authenticity, by leaving the stings of our subconscious behind.

Thank you, dear reader, for taking the time to read this article. When you engage with my words socially, this conscious worldview spreads to others, so thank you for subscribing to my channel on Medium and my mailing list for your regular dose of science and spirit. With love, Pinar



Pinar Seyhan Demirdag
Pinar Seyhan Demirdag

Written by Pinar Seyhan Demirdag

AI director, Co-Founder of Cuebric. I write about provocative innovative intelligence and the confluence of science and spirit.

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