7 steps to get you from linear thinking to quantum thinking

Pinar Seyhan Demirdag
11 min readAug 24, 2022


First of all what the bleep is quantum thinking? And why should we care? Avid readers of my blog know that almost all my articles are about guiding people on how to preserve their dignity, sovereignty, and power in the age of A.I. against all the dark forces who are inviting us to a “final solution” which is the ultimate slavery of humankind in an authoritarian technocracy (too harsh? too soon?). If we want to dodge the technocracy bullet we must learn to leave linear thinking behind and start an existence led by quantum thinking.

Art credit: Void Visuals

Linear thinking is based on a worldview consisting of materialism, linear time, and subconscious imprisonment. It is a life lived in the mind, where we are at the mercy of outside forces. Whereas quantum thinking is a holistic, timeless, thinking model where we activate our creative and dreamer capacity and manifest all our heart's desires while being in the driving seat of our lives. A person who lives by quantum thinking becomes the master of their life and a population made of these sovereign entities does not accept becoming slaves of autocracy, or a technocracy hence lives as free individuals.

I have been educating myself for the past five years with the help of a teacher who is a black belt equivalent in the art of quantum thinking and here is my ultimate step-by-step guide to a thriving life where we are aligned with the forces of our Aquarian age.

#1 — Embrace the unknown: Being defeated by the routine is to die gradually

This title is borrowed from my favorite sentences from Derya, my teacher. The reason why as humans we are having a hard time getting out of our comfort zone is because of our resistance and our fear of pain and hardship.

“Attempting the mastery of fear is useless. In fact, it asserts the power of fear by the very assumption that it need be mastered. The true resolution rests entirely on mastery through love.” — A Course in Miracles

We are ready to live robotic lives, find excuses to normalize a toxic relationship, and escape to bottomless vacations in IRL and Web3 as long as we are not challenged spiritually. In the face of the unknown, our minds are programmed to create negative scenarios, instead of positive ones. “What if I cannot fund another job when I quit this one?”, “ What if my business does not become successful?”, “What I fail in the test?” are just a few of the baseline linear human existence sentences. Step #1 into a quantum life is to completely surrender to the fear of the unknown and start pairing the unknown with the possibility of greater expansion, abundance, and success.

#2 — Media de-program detox: When we let media and society program us, we never get the chance to know our original selves

Have you ever heard of social engineering? It is the art of molding the minds and belief systems of the masses with strategically planned political stories, civic happenings, and cultural phenomena. We live inside a system that is designed to make us believe that we are awake. If this information resides outside of your comfort zone, you may want to research cognitive dissonance and learn about how as humans we rather perpetuate deeply-held beliefs of lies, than admit that we have been wrong all along. If you are compelled to research social engineering further, I suggest reading the book Tavistock Institue: Social Engineering the Masses by Daniel Estulin.

The biggest perk of social engineering for the ones who are writing the rules of the game is that le peuple gets to become walking zombies, ready to believe anything they see in the news. Malleable, consenting, afraid of being cast away if they think differently than the mass narrative… One day we are vouching for the killing of a faraway dictator whose name we cannot pronounce, the other day we are hating a public figure, wishing him death, only for condescending to the private life of a reality star the next day. We have no idea about the might and capacity of our minds or our consciousness, yet we are so hungry to consume the information that is strategized by engineers of deceptions.

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. …In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.” -Edward Bernays

Until we make a conscious decision to set ourselves free from the mass media hypnosis and programming, we will continue being fed a linear narrative and remain trapped in the Matrix of judgemental prison. Different thinking person equals enemy, enemy equals threat, threat equals war, war equals violence et al. Step #2 is to enter a mass media detox, critically question the validity of any information that is being fed to us, take our time to research different point of views so that we can construct our own opinions with our free will. After all, an unguided mind is the biggest enemy to free thinking.

Rihanna wearing a Balenciaga t-shirt

#3 — Migrate from a materialist to a spiritual POV: Spirituality is the highest capacity of the human

Spirituality is to understand the power of the human spirit and live a life that is guided by it. If your worldview is still based on a materialistic realm where you do not believe in anything unless you see it with your eyes, and when you say “I believe in science” you actually mean Newtonian science that disregards emotions and the spirit… my friend, life is only going to get more complicated, chaotic, and apocalyptic for you. You’ll be measuring yourself with the capacity of your mind only, then AGI will come along and simply make you obsolete. You’ll become a statistic in an analytical-driven reality where your only form of existence will either be a slave to the machines and/or a Web3+∞ escapist as you will be “trusting the data” more than you trust yourself, while zero latency input-output will be your cyber codeine.

In the age of Aquarius, the age of technology and information, the only way to make ourselves relevant is to live lives guided by our hearts, our spirit, and our consciousness, in other words, that which makes us different than the machines. When our decisions are guided by our hearts, even if all the “data” points to a certain solution, we know, inherently, that the answer lies elsewhere.

Like Kurzweil predicts, the rich in the future will be all about augmenting their health, while the poor will be all about curing their illnesses. It is the same with quantum vs linear thinking. Linear thinkers will be stuck in their minds, all about competing with the machines, still hanging at their base chakra survival fears as if it is still 1999. Meanwhile, the rich will be busy expanding their consciousness, dreaming up visions to guide the machines. Being poor in bread in 1999 is something, but being poor in spirit and bread in a technocracy in 2050 is something else. Step #3 towards quantum thinking is to activate the power of our spirit and start living holistic lives guided by the power of our spirit.

#4 — Leave linear time behind: Circular time and timelessness sets us free

Perceiving time as linear is engraved in our DNA so deep that it is hard for our minds to activate the creative lobe in our brain that could imagine what a conception of cyclical time would feel like. The now is the magical timeline of the Creator where miracles happen. I have learned by reading A Course in Miracles by Foundation for Inner Peace that only the time we conceive an idea, a vision is real; only when we break a habit, a belief system, that we “are”. The rest of the time is only a formality.

To understand circular time, we first have to understand karma, how it resides in our subconscious, and how unless we transcend it, we will be stuck in a pattern where we will live, and re-live similar but different experiences, just like a rat in a wheel. Elisabeth Clare Prophet’s book Predict Your Future: Understand the Cycles of the Cosmic Clock helped me a lot in understanding the astrological and subconscious forces that govern “time”.

Quantum physics shows that photons are both a particle and frequency at the same time. As all living organisms emit a constant current of photons, we can skip the academic lingua franca and jump to the conclusion that we humans carry the same properties of photons. What the emir meant to say is that we are, at the same time, who we are atm, while also being our potential. If we live in linear time, where we believe in yesterday, today, and tomorrow, we will have a subconscious tendency to perpetuate the belief systems of yesterday to solve the problems of tomorrow. Meanwhile, a POV of quantum thinking circular time recognizes events as patterns and seeks to find liberation by transcending our judgments and belief systems.

Art credit: From linear to circular thinking by Seyhan Lee, made with Stable Diffusion

#5— Understand the power of positive thinking: All revolutionaries were optimists who came and said something different than the herd

Another definition for quantum thinking would be “being in the flow”. Have you ever experienced how that feels? Where your heart’s wishes crystallize in no time, you enjoy everything and everyone around you, people get in line as they seek after you, and you are an epicenter of goodness, vision, and creativity.

Honest question: What is your default reaction towards those that the media says do not care about the environment? Or those that have a different opinion than you towards abortion? Or let’s go more micro… how do you feel towards your wife that manipulates and controls you or the boss that constantly tells you what to do? Let me spill it out for you…

Our default reaction to negative events is often anger, judgment, and fear. This certainly contributes nothing to our personal development nor to our ability to do good in the world. When we are angry, we completely forget HR 101, that anger puts people on the defense and it is an invitation to war. When we remain in the vibration of anger, we cannot produce solutions, we only perpetuate chaos and create division in the collective. As Gandhi says: “An eye for an eye makes the world go blind”. This is also valid for the future predictions we do. In step #4, I explained that we are vibrations and a particle at the same time. By imagining negative scenarios for the future, we are simply contributing and consenting to their materialization.

All wars are fought in the energetic realm. If we want to make the world a better place, where we live in the flow, of quantum thinking, where we constantly produce solutions and visions, we must learn to live with positive emotions. We must stop the anger and fear towards ourselves and others.

#6 — Money= your value: Financially rich people understand that there might be the source of all their riches

We are all familiar with folk wisdom such as “your vibe attracts your tribe” and “tell me your friends and I will tell you who you are”. The underlying wisdom beneath these sentences is that the people, materials, and experiences you attract to your life, pair with the same vibration that you radiate. The linear thinking mindset blames others and outside forces for the end results, making sentences such as “They do not give me jobs”, “He has taken my money”, “They did not award me the contract”, and “The financial crash took all my money” a norm… Whereas a quantum thinking mind knows that you are the source of everything in your life, the value you place on yourself is the value you radiate to the outside world, others give you nothing, and you go and take your worth.

During my quantum thinking education, I also learned that there are two ways of being rich. One is governed by the primal fear of survival, where one grows up in a poverty mindset and is ready to do anything to never to re-live their childhood experiences. In this scenario, the person is very aggressive about earnings, life is a constant battle of survival, and even though they have millions in their bank account, nothing is ever enough. These individuals, even though they understand that the money energy they attract to themselves is equal to the high value they assign to themselves, they end up living tortured lives.

Where the second model for being materially rich pairs better with quantum thinking. In this version, one simply generates ideas and visions and stays in a vibration of calm and strength as they know that they are in the flow, and all they have to do is to put something out there for it to return as riches. This is the true definition of patience, a state of detached calm, and timelessness, where we are sure of the outcome. People of linear thinking understand patience as endurance to torture, while those that think quantum know that patience is a byproduct of strength and self-confidence.

#7 — Migrate from “you only live once” to serving the collective: Your ego is your only enemy

By reading the book series The Law of One channeled by the thought complex Ra, I learned that the purpose of our lives is to evolve, to be in the service of others, and to love ourselves and everything in existence unconditionally. This quantum mindset goes against the linear capitalist globalization of selfishness that relentlessly pursues economic growth and enslaves us to the rat race (words borrowed from Revolutionary Love: A Political Manifestation to Heal and Transform the World by Rabbi Michael Lerner).

Why is serving other quantum and serving yourself only linear? Because quantum thinking allows one to see the bigger picture. When you have the well-being of the collective as a goal, you strive for unity and you understand that your cooperation is required for the holistic unity of the puzzle. In this mindset, you understand that your loss may be the happiness of the other, where you end up, together, celebrating the win for the benefit of the collective. Whereas in linear thinking, you find excuses such as “I do not have time to think about others”, “I am too old for that”, “I have enough problems on my own”, and “why would I care for that piece of shit”, “that monster deserves death” et al to justify your lack of empathy and care for others. You expect others to understand and value you, while you develop the worldview of “long live the snake that doesn’t touch me” (Turkish proverb).

Do you know who else thinks linear? Aleister Crowley, the satanic ceremony magician. His famous words: Do What Thou Wilt uses our free will as an excuse to justify any action of negative nature, including harming others. In my opinion, everything comes down to the basic plot of all the most successful movies of all time, the battle between good and evil. The evil being linear thinking wants to take it all at the expense of others, and the hero which is all about quantum thinking is ready to sacrifice themselves for the good of the collective.

Thank you, dear reader, for taking the time to read this article. When you engage with my words socially, this conscious worldview spreads to others, so thank you for subscribing to my channel on Medium and my mailing list for your bi-weekly dose of science and spirit. With love, Pinar



Pinar Seyhan Demirdag

AI director, Co-Founder of Cuebric. I write about provocative innovative intelligence and the confluence of science and spirit.